



Staring bright through the window 我凝视着玻璃窗外的亮光

You’re bending over to me 看到你弯下腰来

A sentimental forsaken 一个伤感的被抛弃者

You’re trying hard yet to comfort 你依然试着安慰我,虽然这有点困难

But you’re waving me goodbye 但是现在你只是挥挥手

A sentimental forsaken 一个伤感的被抛弃者

You’re looking around you are hasted 你只匆忙随便看看

You’re supervising my chief 却已经主宰了我的一切

My heart is tikking, let it on 我已经不能自拔,就这样吧

Looks like you’re dying to say 仿佛你要对我说

But now you turn your head away 但是现在你转过头

Get out and leave me, let it on 离开把我丢下,

But when it’s going to be ok 一切都好起来了

I’m cruisin on a train 我在旅行的轨道上

I’ve got to fear no holiday 我害怕没有假期

Fear is where I’m in 害怕我不知道自己在何处

You’re staring bright through the window 你凝视着窗外的亮光

you’re moving closer to me 你一步一步靠近我

A sentimental forsaken 一个伤感的被抛弃者

You’re trying hard yet to comfort 你依然试着安慰我,虽然这有点困难

But now you’re waving me goodbye 但是现在你只是挥挥手离开我。

Get out and leave me, let it on 离开把我独自丢下